Bandung Jogjakarta Driver is a service that combine costs of car, driver, petrol, toll, parking and driver meal in one price. By using the service, you can travel Bandung to Jogjakarta drop only.
Click here to jump to car type and price detail.
Travel Duration of Bandung Jogjakarta Driver Service
The duration of the travel from Bandung to Jogjakarta is 10 hours
Travel Route of Bandung to Jogjakarta
Travel route to Jogjakarta from Bandung pass through toll.
How to book?
To confirm car booking for Bandung to Jogjakarta service, please inform time and where to pickup in Bandung. Driver will come immediately even if it is last minute booking because we operate 24 hours. Another key point, the booking process only takes minutes with fast response via whatsapp. In addition to whatsapp, you could also contact us via email if you are not using whatsapp.
Bandung Jogjakarta Driver Car Detail, Type and Price
Bandung to Jogjakarta Car rental with driver cost include petrol, parking, toll and driver meal, for Bandung – Jogjakarta drop off service.
Daihatsu Sigra (capacity up to 5 pax with luggage 24 inch)
Price: 3,200,000 IDR

Toyota Avanza (capacity up to 7 pax with luggage 24 inch)
Price: 3,300,000 IDR

Toyota Innova (capacity up to 9 pax with luggage 24 inch)
Price: 3,500,000 IDR

Big Car for Bandung Jogjakarta Driver Service also available
Toyota Hiace (capacity up to 15 pax with luggage 24 inch)
Price: 5,500,000 IDR

ELF long (capacity up to 19 pax with luggage 24 inch)
Price: 5,900,000 IDR

All are good cars and also comfort even with maximum capacity.
Why use car from Bandung to Jogjakarta instead of train?
To use train is choice of most people for traveling Bandung to Jogjakarta. However, with many passengers and luggages, sometimes booking a car is best choice because once the car booking is confirmed, pickup from hotel in Bandung will proceed directly to destination in Jogjakarta. This kind of travel will leave the following hassle:
- Transportation from hotel to train station
- Waiting time in train station
- Transportation from train station to destination in Jogjakarta
How to contact us?
After all, to contact us, please send your message via whatsapp to 62-813-940-333-63. Please click the number to send whatsapp (fast response).
If you are not using whatsapp, you could email to:
[email protected]